ACIDE – Apprentissage par les Compétences en Immersion et le Développement de l’Entraide
Apprentissage par les Compétences en Immersion et le Développement de l’Entraide
Partners: Lycée Jean Bart, Dunkirk, France
Collège Boris Vian, Coudekerque Branche, France
Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Giambattista Vico, Sulmona, Italy
Colegiul Național Petru Rareș, Suceava, Romania
Colegiul Național Petru Rareș, Suceava, has just completed the Erasmus + KA2 project ACIDE (Apprentissage par les Compétences en Immersion et le Développement de l’Entraide) which took place between 2019 and 2022, with a 1-year extension due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although it was initially supposed to be a partnership between four European countries, i.e. France, Italy, Spain and Romania, in the end, Spain decided to withdraw from the project. The purpose of the project was to encourage the participants, both students and teachers, to reflect on and promote EU topics and values, in this way developing European cross-sectional learning and teaching skills.
The main aims of ACIDE were: to develop intercultural competences through immersive social experiences and getting acquainted with new cultural environments; to foster a world view which helps students improve their self-esteem and counters the risk of school dropout; to develop the ability to understand and manage cultural differences; to communicate and learn in English and French as foreign languages.
To achieve these aims, our students took part in short-term mobility programmes (5 days) in Italy (Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Giambattista Vico, Sulmona, 16th-20th December 2019, see ) and France (Lycée Jean Bart, Dunkirk, and Collège Boris Vian, Coudekerque Branche, 26th-30th April 2022, see ) and a medium-term mobility (28 days) in France (Lycée Jean Bart, Dunkirk, 8th January – 7th February 2020). In turn, Colegiul Național Petru Rareș hosted French exchange students for a month, from 12th November to 10th December 2019, and French and Italian students, for a week, from 2nd to 9th April 2022. The topics covered during the short-term mobility weeks were “Languages and Europe” (Italy), “Forms of Bullying and Anti-bullying Strategies” (Romania, see, ) and “Self-image” (France).
The teachers also attended training courses, starting with the first preparatory meeting held at Colegiul Național Petru Rareș, Suceava, between 15th and 17th October 2019, in which each partner organization had the opportunity to assume its assigned role. Administrative arrangements, selection criteria for students and teachers, project implementation, visibility and dissemination, and risk prevention were some of the issues on the agenda. The topics of the other training weeks for teachers were “Prove your English, TKT CLIL” (28th November – 2nd December 2021, Sulmona, Italy, see ) and “Vers une autonomie et une diversité grandissante” (14th – 19th March 2022, Dunkirk, France).
In all the mobilities the students and the teachers participated in, the partner organisations made sure that the 8 European key competences were covered. Thus, to develop communication in the mother tongue, the participants engaged in activities related to self-knowledge (FR), to the influence of Italian literature on the world (IT) and to notions of European citizenship (RO). Communication in foreign languages was facilitated by topics such as self-image (FR), self-identification (RO) and multilingual learning (IT). Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology were developed by doing activities which revolved around the concepts of self-esteem (FR), bullying (RO) and numbers in Europe (IT). The mastery of digital competence benefited from creating one’s self-portrait (IT), discussing cyberbullying (RO) and using digital apps to recount the events of the week (FR). Learning to learn was achieved by approaching subjects like mindfulness (FR), alternative learning strategies (IT) and bullying, a serious threat to public health (RO). To develop social and civic competences, participants took part in workshops on how to defend a cause (FR), on how to conduct European debates (IT) and on the issue of bullying versus moral values (RO). The sense of initiative and entrepreneurship was promoted by practicing skills for job interviews (FR), using soft skills for business purposes (IT) and by involving the local community to prevent bullying (RO). Finally, cultural awareness and expression were encouraged in workshops with topics like “From Fables to Plays” (FR), “European Portraits: stereotypes and fantasies” (IT) and “I am a bullying victim” (RO).
Apart from the fact that the hosting families helped the students experience firsthand the French, Italian or Romanian lifestyle, ACIDE also provided the participants with the opportunity to visit picturesque places from Italy (Pescara, Sulmona, Pacentro), France (Dunkirk, Paris, Lille) and Romania (Suceava, Moldovița, Voroneț, Sucevița).
For more details, see
ACIDE – mobilitate medie în România și Franța
ACIDE – Short Mobility Sulmona-Italy-2019-Students Feedback
ACIDE – Training Mobility for Teachers-Sulmona IT 2021-Dissemination Material
ACIDE – Training Mobility for Teachers-Sulmona IT 2021-Dunkirk FR 2022-Teachers Feedback
ACIDE – Short Mobility Suceava-Romania-2022-Italian-French Students Feedback
ACIDE – Short Mobility Dunkirk-France-2022-Students Feedback
Presentation Short Mobility for Students-Lycee Jean Bart Dunkirk-France 2022